Saturday, July 21, 2007
A Weighty Issue
It is a “weighty” issue to consider allowing the Word of God and the inward ministry of the Holy Spirit tell us the truth about ourselves. There is no doubt that we are living in the last days, but too many believers live as if there is no Judgment Seat of Christ. We have many “one hour” a week worshippers and even a “couple times a month or year” shallow “believers.” No one will be able to blame Bible-preaching pastors when the Judge Himself does a detailed analysis of our lives. What do we think we will ever say to our Lord Jesus when He applies those eyes which glow as fire (Rev. 1:14) to our public and private lives? It is a sobering message from the Holy Spirit in 2 Corinthians 5:11 concerning this judgment which affects only those who are truly born again in Christ during this Church Age. That judgment will deal only with our works and it will completely cover every moment since we were born again. We read from this Corinthian passage: “Then knowing the fear (phobia) of the Lord, we persuade men and we have been known to God; and I also hope to have been known in your consciences.” (literal rendering from the Greek). The KJV uses the word “terror” for the translation of “fear.” I believe that the word “terror” has it rightful place for the believer. We face days of foreboding with regard to the Islamic terrorists, and indeed, who would not fear the terror of A-bombs going off in the United States of America? We fear for our children and grandchildren that they would not have to see such suffering. Well, if we fear such things in this world, how is it that there are many Laodicean (lukewarm and uncaring) “believers” in our midst in this hour who are so “care-less” about the day of reckoning yet to come for us? The true final exam is yet to be given by our Lord and Master, Jesus Christ. The truly saved in such places as Communist China face prison or even loss of life to be able to attend underground church meetings. And when those meetings take place, they are there—if at all possible. We have three studies in the Word each week, four with our men’s Saturday study and five with our Church school prior to our AM service . We do different Bible studies at each in order to share more fully the “whole counsel of God.” Which do you attend? How will you answer your Savior on that future day of “terror”? True, it will not affect our eternal destiny, but out of pure love for our Lord Jesus Christ, would you not desire to hear, “Well done, thou good and faithful servant. Enter thou into the joy of thy Lord”? How’s your conscience?